Tilbake til søk
1906 Bygget som damp tråler VIOLA ved Cook, Welton & Gemmell, Beverley for R. L. Hellyers Steam Fishing Co. Ltd., Hull, UK. Hun ble slept ned River Hull til byen Hull for montering av maskineriet ved Amos and Smith, Hull Overlevert i februar. VIOLA var til sjøs i rundt 310 av årets dager.
1914 Overtatt av Royal Navy som HMT VIOLA (FY614) i september. VIOLA var utstyrt med kanon og stasjonert på Shetland på jakt etter tyske ubåter.
1915 Omdøpt HMS VIOLA III i november. Senere i krigen beordret til Tyne for minesveiping. Hun var en av de første fartøy som tok i bruk dypvannsbomber.
1917 Solgt til W. A. Massey & Son Ltd., Hull, men fortsatte i tjeneste for Royal Navy.
1918 Involvert i senking av tysk ubåt UB-30 utenfor Whitby i 13/08 og senking av UB-115 utenfor kysten av Northumberland 29/09.
1919 Tilbakelevert eier. Omdøpt VIOLA
1920 Solgt til Lars Thorsen, Sandefjord. Omdøpt KAPDUEN. Solgt til A/S Sandefjord Trålfiskerederi (A. H. Andersen), Sandefjord.
1922 N. T. Nielsen-Alonso overtok som disponent. Ombygget til hvalfangst. Monterte nytt brobygg forut for skorsteinen.
1924 Solgt til A/S South Atlantic (Lorentz Bruun) Tønsberg for hvalfangst på Gabon, Congo, Vest-Afrika. Omdøpt DIAS. Innkjøpt for fangst med kokeriet ESPERANZA. Begge innkjøpt i april for NOK 1.550.000. I tillegg ble innkjøpt fangstbåten BJØRN for NOK 134.000. Videre ble for sesongen 1924 leiet to hvalbåter, HERMA og ODD 3. Leiesum tilsammen NOK 60.000.
Avgikk for fangstfeltet 20/05. Fangstbestyrer i Elephant Bay var Henrik Torgersen. På kokeriet var hvalskytter Arnt Skontorp. Fangsten begynte 10/07.
1927 I opplag I Sandefjord.
1928 Innkjøpt av Cia. Argentina de Pesca SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina via Lars Klaveness A/S. Omdøpt DIAZ.
Ombygget og benyttet som selfanger.
Deltok som hjelpefartøy for forskjellige ekspedisjoner og kontakten til den argentinske værstasjonen på Laurie Island. I september deltok hun i Kohl-Larsen ekspedisjonen.
1954 Deltok i British South Georgia Expedition i 1954/55
1956 Kjele ombygget til oljefyring.
1958 Deltok i Bird Island Expedition. En viktig fugl øy bland Falklands øyene.
1960 Overført til Albion Star (South Georgia) Ltd, registrert i Port Stanley, Falkland Islands.
1964 Lagt opp i Grytviken sammen med selfangeren ALBATROS.
1971 De som hadde ansvar for vedlikehold og vakthold forlot stedet i 1971.
1974 Nedlesset av snø og is sank hun i fortøyningene i Grytviken. ALBATROS sank året etter.
1979 Solgt til Christian Salvesen, Leith.
1982 Fremdeles nedsunket ved kai i Grytviken.
2006 VIOLA’s orginal klokke ble funnet i Sandefjord.
2008 Hull Maritime Museum kjøpte tilbake klokken.
Inspeksjon av foreningen «Friends of VIOLA/DIAS» inspisert vraket for mulig å berge det og føre det tilbake til Hull for bevaring og restaurering. Estimert kostnad var £1 mill for heving og £5 mill for restaurering..
2016 En ny besiktigelse ble foretatt for å klargjøre om det var mulig å bevare skipet.
1 x stempel dampmaskin (steam reciprocating), tre trinns ekspansjon (triple exp.), syl. dia.: 11"-16,25"-27, slag/stroke: 24". 45 NHK. Bygget av Amos and Smith, Hull
1906 Built as steam trawler VIOLA by Cook, Welton & Gemmell, Beverley for R. L. Hellyer's Steam Fishing Co. Ltd., Hull, UK. She was towed down the River Hull to the city of Hull for fitting of the machinery at Amos and Smith, Hull Delivered in February. VIOLA was at sea for around 310 of the year's days.
1914 Taken over by Royal Navy as HMT VIOLA (FY614) in September. VIOLA was equipped with cannon and stationed in Shetland looking for German submarines.
1915 Renamed HMT VIOLA III in November. Later in the war ordered to the Tyne for minesweeping. She was one of the first vessels to use depth charges.
1917 Sold to W. A. Massey & Son Ltd., Hull, but continued in Royal Navy service.
1918 Involved in the sinking of German submarine UB-30 off Whitby on 13/08 and the sinking of UB-115 off the coast of Northumberland on 29/09.
1919 Returned to owner. Renamed VIOLA
1920 Arrived in Sandefjord and the shipyard 21/01. Shifted from the shipyard 18/02. Sold to Lars Thorsen, Sandefjord. Renamed KAPDUEN. Sold to A/S Sandefjord Trålfiskerederi (A. H. Andersen), Sandefjord. Back at the ship repair yard 30/11.
1922 Departed port of Sandefjord 11/05. N. T. Nielsen-Alonso took over as manager. Converted to whaling. Installed a new bridge structure ahead of the funnel. Arrived at the shipyard from storage 01/12 and returned to storage 06/12.
1923 Arrived 01/03 for repairs and docking. Left Sandefjord 05/06 together with the factory ship BAS II and the whale catcher ODD III and HERMA for the season 1923/24
1924 The expedition result for 1923/24 was 8,000 bbls which were unloaded at Vera Fabrikker in Sandefjord.
KAPDUEN and the factory BAS II sold to A/S South Atlantic (Lorentz Bruun) Tønsberg in April for NOK 1,550,000. Intention was whaling in Gabon, Congo, West Africa. Renamed DIAS. The factory renamed ESPERANZA. In addition, the catcher BJØRN was purchased for NOK 134,000. Furthermore, for the 1924 season, two whale catchers, HERMA and ODD III, were hired. Total rental sum NOK 60,000.
Departed for the whaling ground 20/05. The whaling manager in Elephant Bay was Henrik Torgersen. At the factory was shooter Arnt Skontorp manager. The hunt began on 10/07.
1927 Arrived Sandefjord 07/07 for dry docking and maintenance and inspection for sale. Left Sandefjord 29/07 as DIAZ.
1928 Purchased by Cia. Argentina de Pesca SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina via the agent Lars Klaveness A/S, Sandefjord.
Rebuilt and used as a sealer.
Participated as an auxiliary vessel for various expeditions and the contact with the Argentine weather station on Laurie Island. In September, she took part in the Kohl-Larsen expedition.
1954 Participated in the British South Georgia Expedition in 1954/55
1956 Boiler converted to oil firing.
1958 Participated in the Bird Island Expedition. An important bird breed island among the Falkland Islands.
1960 Transferred to Albion Star (South Georgia) Ltd, registered at Port Stanley, Falkland Islands.
1964 Laid up in Grytviken together with the sealer ALBATROS.
1971 Those responsible for maintenance and security left the site in 1971.
1974 Loaded with snow and ice, she sank in the moorings in Grytviken. ALBATROS sank the following year.
1979 Sold to Christian Salvesen, Leith.
1982 Still sunk at the quay in Grytviken.
2006 VIOLA's original bell was found in Sandefjord.
2008 Hull Maritime Museum bought back the bell.
Inspection by the association "Friends of VIOLA/DIAS". Inspected the wreck for possible salvage and return it to Hull for conservation and restoration. Estimated cost was £1 million for raising and £5 million for restoration.
2016 A new inspection was carried out to clarify whether it was possible to preserve the ship.